" Hey there Mr.Blue, we're so pleased to be with you. Look around, see what you do. Everybody's positive." -Electric Light Orchestra


"And when I was down and failing life, you came and saved me, my Cococo. And when they said I'm telling lies, you believed me, my Cococo."-Stellastar

One of those days. Didn't want to wake up and yet I still made it to work earlier than usual. I've had no ambition at all today and I started to get really cranky towards the end of my shift at work. I just wanted to be out of there. I don't have to work tomorrow, so I really wanted to get today over with so that I could come home and chill tonight. I had a good night last night with the roomies and I wanted to do this for a little while and relax before Brandon got home from work. But instead of doing this I did dishes (again) while I listened to some vinyl and made myself dinner. Sometimes that's the easiest way for me to unwind after I get out of work.
So like I said, had a good night last night. Nick made dinner for the three of us. He made a tasty Granny Smith and Muenster stuffed pork loin with risotto and zucchini, summer squash, and sun-dried tomatoes. We ate, smoked a joint, and watched Full Metal Jacket. I hadn't seen that movie in so long and I got really into it. I forgot how much I liked it.
But tonight was neighbor night. Heather and Nick went out and I went upstairs. They got home trashed and were trying to get my attention upstairs by throwing stuff at the house. I thought nothing of it, albeit pretty obnoxious, but Amy hollered out the window for them to stop. I came downstairs to say hey and Heather lit into me about how much of a bitch Amy was and all sorts of other drunken nonsense so I walked out and went back upstairs.
Now, I've told both sides that I don't want to be in the middle of any sort of petty domestic squabbles that occur between them. I REALLY get tired of hearing either side bad-mouth the other. And tonight was a classic example. I AM SWITZERLAND. I am NOT and WILL NOT choose sides. There have been so many squabbles about Nick spinning too late or Amy being anti-social and I, of course, have been the go-between. I know that I am hardly the one to say this because I'm sure that if you asked other parties (who shall remain nameless) they would attest that I can be pretty childish sometimes, but GROW UP. If there's a problem, address each other like adults. What the f people. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. Jesus. We have to share the house for JUST a little while longer. We should at least be somewhat neighborly or just stay the bloody hell away from each other.
So now I'm even crankier. And Heather sent me a text message saying she couldn't believe I "let Amy talk to us like that". I didn't LET anybody do anything. She makes her own choices. But I replied that I'd rather not talk about it tonight. And I won't. That's better sober talk. This is my way of trying to shrug the whole stupid episode off so that we can discuss this tomorrow civily.
See? One of those days. It's because I cut my own hair, I know it. I'm not happy with it and as a result I'm all off. So if I glue it back on with one of those funky-smelling glue sticks, that'll make everything better, right?
It's not that short really. I got tired of it being all out of control and shaggy so I used Nick's clippers with a quarter inch attachment. I figured it takes off a quarter of an inch, right? Nope. It LEAVES a quarter of an inch. Whoops. So now I look twelve again. There's this picture of me at my sixth grade graduation with hair this short. I see that in the mirror every day when I get up. Oy. I hate it.
Yep. Good times.


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