" Hey there Mr.Blue, we're so pleased to be with you. Look around, see what you do. Everybody's positive." -Electric Light Orchestra


" I am waiting for something to go wrong. I am waiting for familiar results." -Death Cab for Cutie

It's raining again. It's rained all week. The driver's side window of my car is stuck down. Driver's side. The side I have to sit on to drive. What the F. Of course it would rain all week. And not just showers. End of the world rain. And yeah, I know I could have covered the window or something until I get it fixed. But COME ON! FOUR DAYS OF RAIN?!?! WHo'd I piss off. Damn. I try to keep my karma balanced, but apparently I fucked up somewhere. Whatever. I'm used to having things happen all at once. But did you ever have those days, weeks, months, when everything just seems wrong? From the minute you wake up to the minute you finally go to sleep, nothing feels right. It's no fun. And I swear it comes in cycles. And I'm in it right now, man. I'm in it.


Blogger Jen said...

You should post more often, byatch. It's good for you.

12:32 PM


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